Analysis of Some Recordings: Is It Bix Or Not? – Doo-Wacka-Doo

Doo-Wacka-Doo This recording by Marion McKay’s Orchestra for Gennett on December 17, 1924, is discussed in detail by Warren K. Plath in the International Association of Jazz Records Collectors Journal, volume 8, no. 2, p. 7, 1972. Apparently, this recording surfaced for public notice when the Italian label Raretone issued the album “Bix – To […]

Analysis of Some Recordings: Is It Bix Or Not? – Sugar

Sugar Recorded by the Frankie Trumbauer Orchestra on October 26, 1927.   This recording is included in the discographies by Brian Rust, by Sudhalter and Evans, and by Evans and Evans. The recording is included in the Sunbeam set, but not in the Masters of Jazz set. In the liners for the latter, Marc Richard […]

Analysis of Some Recordings: Is It Bix Or Not? – Louise

Louise Recorded by the Paul Whiteman Orchestra on March 15, 1929. Sudhalter and Evans do not include this recording in their discography. Rust specifically puts in parenthesis, following the name of the song, “No Bix”. The Sunbeam and Masters of Jazz sets do not include this recording. The recording is included in the Joker Bixology […]

Analysis of Some Recordings: Is It Bix Or Not?

Analysis of Some Recordings: Is It Bix Or Not? TO BE WRITTEN. Oh Gee! Oh Joy! Why Do I love You? Ol’ Man River Sugar Louise Do-Wacka-Doo One Night in Havana Waiting at the End of the Road Miscellaneous Cradle of Love Baby Won’t You Please Come Home (Spectraplus analysis included) Article in Chronicle of […]