Articles in Magazines and Newspapers – Jazz Information, The Weekly Magazine 

Jazz Information, The Weekly Magazine  The Vol. I, No. 15 December 22, 1939 issue of the magazine published the following item. HOT RECORD SOCIETY ISSUES ALBUM OF WOLVERINE RECORDS WITH BIX Five rare Beiderbeckes, repressed from Gennett originals, will be released this week by the Hot Record Society in an album titled: “Young Man With […]

Articles in Magazines and Newspapers – Articles in Jazzit in Celebration of Bix 100

Articles in Jazzit in Celebration of Bix 100 The Italian jazz magazine “Jazzit” is published bimonthly. The March/April 2003 issue (Year V, Number 15) carries two articles in tribute to Bix’s 100th birthday. The articles are preceded by an introduction written by Vincenzo Martorella, the editorial director of the magazine. Davenport Blues: a translation by […]

Articles in Magazines and Newspapers – Mississippi Rag Article

Mississippi Rag Article The June 2003 issue of the Mississippi Rag carries a four-page article “Copying Bix: Cornet Solos From Bix Beiderbecke’s First Three Recording Sessions” by Albert Haim. The article discusses in depth the fact that Bix’s solos in the Wolverines recordings of “Jazz Me Blues” “Copenhagen” and “Tiger Rag” were copied by several […]

Articles in Magazines and Newspapers – Life Magazine Article About Swing

Life Magazine Article About Swing The August 8, 1938 issue of Life has an 11-page article about “swing.” As one might anticipate for an article in Life, there are more photographs than text. The article consists of the following stories.     1. “Swing, the Hottest and Best Kind of Jazz Reaches Its Golden Age” A […]

Articles in Magazines and Newspapers – Joslins Jazz Journal

Joslins Jazz Journal The Journal has published three stories,  written by Bill Saunders, about Bix at Lake Forest Academy. The first story was published in the February 1998 issue and dealt with the location of the Academy, the grounds, and the dormitory (East House) where Bix roomed while at the Academy. There was a follow-up […]

Articles in Magazines and Newspapers – The Mississippi Rag

The Mississippi Rag Throughout the years, this excellent jazz magazine has carried stories about Bix, as well as articles related to Bix.     Articles about Bix “Bix – Summer of ’25” by Bob Harrington (March 1975); “Revising Bix” by William J. Schafer (March 1991); “Bix’s Letters and More,” a “Solo” guest column by Phil and Linda […]