Articles in Magazines and Newspapers – The “Happy” Music of Chauncey Morehouse

The “Happy” Music of Chauncey Morehouse The June-October issues of “Doctor Jazz Magazine” have an article entitled “The Happy Music Of Chauncey Morehouse”. The “Happy Music” of Chauncey Morehouse by Chauncey Morehouse and Herman Opeenner Doctor Jazz Magazine, June, August, October 1968     I am grateful to Steve Hester for scanning the article and […]

Articles in Magazines and Newspapers – Wolverine Days

Wolverine Days The Fall 1936 issue of “Swing Music” has an article by George Johnson entitled “Wolverine Days”.     Wolverine Days George Johnson Swing Magazine, Fall 1936     I am grateful to Rob Rothberg for scanning the article and sending it to me. Download PDF: DOWNLOAD

Articles in Magazines and Newspapers – The New Orleans Horn

That New Orleans Horn The March 1936 isue of “Swing Music” has an article by Charles Edward Smith entitled “That New Orleans Horn”.     That New Orleans Horn by Charles Edward Smith Swing Magazine, March 1936 I am grateful to Nick Dellow for scanning the article and sending it to me. Download PDF: DOWNLOAD