Articles in Magazines and Newspapers – The St. Louis Trumbauer Orchestra in Carbondale, IL

The St. Louis Trumbauer Orchestra in Carbondale, IL

Frank Trumbauer was born in Carbondale, Illinois on May 30, 1901. He lived in Carbondale until 1907 and then moved to St. Louis. He was back in Carbondale in 1912, where he lived with his grandparents.

According to Philip Evans and Larry Kiner (with William Trumbauer), “Trumbauer’s introduction to the saxophone occurred when Gertrude [Frank’s mother] took him to the Arcadia Ballroom and he heard the band, in particular saxophonist Ray Reynolds. When he discovered that Ray was making $125 a week, he persuaded his mother to purchase a sax for him.” From Sep 1925 to May 1926, Frank with Bix played at the Arcadia Ballroom.

Here is the St. Louis band.




Here is an ad for the band at the Arcadia Ballroom.


In 1926,  the Arcadia Trumbauer band made three appearances at the Elks Club in Carbondale. The first, documented by Evans and Evans and by Sudhalter and Evans took place on Jan 29, 1926. The second and third , not listed in the Evans books, took place on Feb 26 and Apr 23, 1926. Here are the pertinent notices.

The Daily Independent, Murphysboro, IL Feb 25, 1926.



The Daily Independent, Murphysboro, IL Feb 27, 1926.


The Daily Independent, Murphysboro, IL Apr 8, 1926.


The chapter of the Elks organization in Carbondale, IL is # 1243, located at 220 W. Jackson St.


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