Miscellaneous Albums Related to Bix

Miscellaneous Albums Related to Bix



Bill Challis’ The Goldkette Project

Circle CLP-118. Recorded in December of 1986 by Vince Giordano and his Nighthawks featuring, among others, Tom Pletcher, Spiegle Willcox, and Bob Wilber, this album represents an authentic recreation of the Goldkette sound using original arrangements by Bill Challis. Some of the songs in the album are Ostrich Walk, Clarinet Marmalade, Singin’ the Blues, My Pretty Girl, and Clementine.



The New Paul Whiteman Orchestra

Monmouth Evergreen MES/7074. This is the studio recording of a concert presented in London on October 5, 1974, by a band directed by Alan Cohen and featuring original arrangements by Bill Challis, Tom Satterfield, and Lennie Hayton for the Paul Whiteman Orchestra. The arrangements are archived in the Paul Whiteman Collection at Williamsburg College in Massachusetts and were made available for this occasion. Some of the 28 men in the band were Dick Sudhalter (responsible for conceiving the idea), Keith Nichols, and John R. T. Davies. Some of the tunes are Reaching For Someone, Runnin’ Wild, You Took Advantage of Me, and China Boy.



The New Paul Whiteman Orchestra

Volume 2.Monmouth Evergreen MES/7078. A live recording of the concert was given in the Queen Elizabeth Hall on October 6, 1975. Arrangements by Bill Challis, Lennie Hayton, Matty Malneck, and Tom Satterfield were utilized. The leader and featured soloist was Dick Sudhalter, who also conceived the idea of recreating the music of Paul Whiteman with the original arrangements. Some of the tunes are Oh Miss Hannah, San, Mary, and From Monday On.



The New Paul Whiteman Orchestra

The success of the October 5, 1974 concert by the New Paul Whiteman Orchestra led to a live recording of a performance of the band for BBC radio’s “Jazz Club” program. The recording was broadcast on February 9, 1975.

Tony Pearson recorded the program off the air on a reel-to-reel Tandberg 3041X tape recorder. He transferred the tape to a CD-R and kindly sent me a copy. The numbers performed by the band were Lonely Melody; ‘Tain’t So, Honey ‘Tain’t So; Louisiana; Singin’ the Blues; When; Oh! Miss Hannah; Runnin’ Wild. All Bix solos are played by Richard M.Sudhalter who also conceived the idea of recreating Paul Whiteman’s music. To listen to the complete program, click here

I am grateful to Tony Pearson for his generosity.



Bix: An Interpretation of a Legend

RCA PD 74766. This is the original soundtrack from the 1990 film. The soundtrack is conducted and directed by Bob Wilber. The musical producer is Lino Patruno. The musicians are Tom Pletcher; Bob Wilber; Kenny Davern; David Sager; Vince Giordano; Andy Stein; Keith Nichols; Lino Patruno; Walter Ganda; Fabrizio Cattaneo; Cesare Poggi; Fabiano Pellini; Marcello Rosa; Al, Claudio and Mario Corvini; Eric Daniel; and Enrico Fineschi.



Dick Sudhalter and His Friends With Pleasure

Audiophile ACD-159. This 1994 CD is an augmented re-issue of the 1981 album. The musicians are: Dan Barrett, Bob Reitmeier, Joe Muranyi, Dan Levinson, Dave Frishberg (the author of Dear Bix), Howard Alden, James Chirillo, Putter Smith, Bill Crow, Dick Berk, Eddie Locke, and Dary Sherman. There are several tunes associated with Bix such as From Monday On, Blue River, Waiting at the End of the Road, and I’ll Be a Friend “With Pleasure”.



Dick Sudhalter and the Anglo-American Alliance, “The Tuesday Band”

Jazzology JCD-274. This CD, issued in 1997, contains eighteen tunes recorded by John R. T. Davies on various Tuesdays in 1968, and by John Boyden on November 2 and 9, 1968. The musicians are two Americans (Richard M. Sudhalter and Henry Francis) and several Brits (Alan Cooper, John R. T. Davies, Jim Shepherd, Ray Whittam, Nevil Skrimshire, Mick Gilligan, Johnny Armitage, with vocals by Chris Ellis). The group rehearsed every Tuesday in a converted stable at Burnham in Buckinghamshire, hence “The Tuesday Band.” The liners read, in part:

The style is unmistakably 20’s hot, largely white (echoes of Bix-Tram, Red-Miff, Venuti-Lang), all melody and wit and sparkle. Some of the Bix-related tunes in this CD are Reaching for Someone, The Baltimore, Davenport Blues, and The Japanese Sandman.



The Beiderbecke Collection

Dormouse DM20. This is the soundtrack of the highly successful British television series The Beiderbecke Affair, The Beiderbecke Tapes, and The Beiderbecke Connection. There are fifteen sides, all but one (Cryin’ all Day) composed by Frank Ricotti, and played by Frank Ricotti All Stars featuring Kenny Baker on cornet. The CD was released in 1988.



Remembering Spiegle

Lino Patruno Jazz Show CD-03. This CD, recorded in 1999 and released in 2000, represents a tribute to the legendary trombone player Spiegle Willcox. The musicians are Lino Patruno and the Red Pellini Gang augmented by special guests Spiegle Willcox, Dan Barrett, and others.

Lino met Spiegle in the early 70’s at the Blues Alley in Washington D.C. That was the beginning of a friendship that lasted for over 25 years. Their most recent encounter was at the 1999 Ascona Jazz Festival, where Spiegle was the guest of honor in a concert dedicated to Bix by the Red Pellini Gang.

At the concert, Spiegle with the Red Pellini Gang recorded “Idolizing” and “My Pretty Girl“.



These two recordings, which are included in this CD, may well be the last professional recordings of a performance by Spiegle. In addition to these two recordings, the CD contains lots of songs, in new performance, identified with legendary musicians associated in one form or another with Spiegle. Joe Venuti and Eddie Lang are represented by their famous compositions “Stringing the Blues” and “Eddie’s Twister“. Bix is illustrated with “I’m More Than Satisfied“, “Singin’ The Blues“, “Davenport Blues” and “Ill Be A Friend With Pleasure“.

Spiegle himself is honored by “Hoosier Sweetheart“, “A Lane In Spain“, and “My Pretty Girl“. There are also two Medleys, one of Hoagy Carmichel’s tunes and one of Duke Ellington compositions. The music is played with taste and enthusiasm by a group of talented musicians who bring back the special 1920’s sound of jazz and hot dance bands. There is an interesting version of “Cradle of Love“: Carlo Capobianchi does an excellent emulation of the mystery cornetist solo from Ray Miller’s 1928 recording of this tune and the lyrics are by Clive Riche, who does a Jimmy Durante  impersonation. Overall, this is a CD that should be in the collection of every serious Bixophile and of the countless friends and admirers of the miraculous Spiegle Willcox.

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