Audio Tapes – Peter Lesley’s Close-up on Bix Beiderbecke
Terry, a Bixophile living in New Zealand, sent me a tape of a 1961 BBC program entitled “Peter Lesley’s Close-up on Bix Beiderbecke”.
The Bix segment was broadcast as part of the “Jazz Records Request” program, with Steve Race as the presenter. Terry tells me that in his programs, Steve Race:
Used to have invited guests talking about and playing records of jazz personalities.
Evidently, Peter Lesley was one of the guests, and he presented a special about Bix. Steve Race is an 80-year-old English pianist, composer, and broadcaster and is still active.
Peter Lesley is/was a record producer. Terry recollects that the program was broadcast in August of 1961, perhaps to coincide with the 30th anniversary of Bix’s death. Terry adds:
I feel that the chance should be given to pass this on rather than let it moulder away in my collection.
Finally, Terry comments that the quote from Otis Ferguson (the author of the magazine article “Young Man With A Horn”) at the end of the program illustrates beautifully that “Bix is alive”.
The program is now available on demand.
I am grateful to Terry Porritt for his generosity in sharing this unique document, which may well be the only one in existence, with Bixophiles around the world.