Articles in Magazines and Newspapers – An Interview of Fritz Putzier by Jim Arpy

An Interview of Fritz Putzier by Jim Arpy

According to Evans and Evans (“Bix” The Leon Bix Beiderbeke Story”), 

Fritz Richard Putzier had attended school in Fort Dodge for one semester, then his family moved to Davenport. When it looked as if he might be drafted, he left school for two years and worked at the Rock Island (Illinois) Arsenal in the purchasing department. During this time he played the first cornet in the Rock Island Arsenal band, thus giving him quite a lip. He re-entered Davenport High School around February 1919.

At this time he became acquainted with Bix.

According to the SSDI F. R. Putzier was born on May 6, 1901, and died in San Diego, CA on May 24, 1990. According to the 1920 US Census, Fritz Putzier lived at 2124 W. Second Street with his maternal grandfather and grandmother  Fred (82) and Bertha (75) Langmann (both born in Germany),  and their daughter and granddaughter Emma (49) and Bertha (14)  Elliott (both born in Iowa).

Here is a scan of a 1974 interview of Fritz Putzier by Jim Arpy kindly sent to me by Rich Johnson.


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