Articles in Magazines and Newspapers – Articles in Jazzit in Celebration of Bix 100

Articles in Jazzit in Celebration of Bix 100

The Italian jazz magazine “Jazzit” is published bimonthly.

The March/April 2003 issue (Year V, Number 15) carries two articles in tribute to Bix’s 100th birthday. The articles are preceded by an introduction written by Vincenzo Martorella, the editorial director of the magazine.

  1. Davenport Blues: a translation by Vincenzo Martorella of the pertinent section in the article by Randy Sandke “Bix Beiderbecke: from a Musician’s Perspective,” Annual Review of Jazz Studies, Vo. 9, 1997-1998, pp. 165-260;
  2. In A Mist: a Voyage in the Fogs of the Myth. A translation by Vincenzo Martorella of the pertinent section of the Bixography website.

In addition, there are announcements of some of the celebrations of Bix 100 (Centenary Cruise, Concert at the Blue Lantern, JVC Jazz Festival, Ascona Festival, and Bix Beiderbecke Memorial Jazz Festival) and an interview with Randy Sandke.

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