Joslins Jazz Journal
The Journal has published three stories, written by Bill Saunders, about Bix at Lake Forest Academy.
The first story was published in the February 1998 issue and dealt with the location of the Academy, the grounds, and the dormitory (East House) where Bix roomed while at the Academy.
There was a follow-up in the November 1998 issue of JJJ. It went into detail about Bix’s activities in music and in sports during the year he spent at the Academy.
The third article was published in the February 2000 issue. It provides exciting news: two hitherto unknown photographs that include Bix (in blackface) are included.
They are photographs related to the Bo-Jack initiation activities. Another interesting image in the article is that of a dance card from the Academy Football Dance of November 26, 1921. The back page of the card has the following writing: “MUSIC BY SID-BIX-WALLY’S ORCHESTRA”.
I am grateful to Hans Eekhoff for alerting me to the existence of the photographs in the February issue of JJJ and to Frank Manera for sending me a copy of the article.