Reviews of Bix’s Recordings
The April 1936 issue of “Swing Music” magazine includes an article by John Goldman. Click on the following links to read the article.
I am grateful to Nick Dellow for having sent scans of the article.
The April 1936 issue of “Swing Music” magazine includes an article by John Goldman. Click on the following links to read the article.
I am grateful to Nick Dellow for having sent scans of the article.
Information of Related Interest A Book of Caricatures Yo Bix, tu Bix, el Bix by Hermenegildo Sabat, Editorial Airene, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1972. The
Obituaries – Les Swanson: An Appreciation Beiderbecke bandmate and friend Swanson leaves behind a multi-talented life April 8 – Dispatch and Rock Island
Obituaries – Frank Manera: An Appreciation I regret to inform all Bixophiles that Frank Manera died unexpectedly on July 7, 2000, in Providence, Rhode Island,
Obituaries – John Steiner: An Appreciation Bill Utter informed me that John Steiner died on June 3, 2000, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, at age 91. John
Obituaries – Spiegle Willcox: An Appreciation Albert Haim: In Memory of Spiegle Willcox
Obituaries – Philip R. Evans: An Appreciation Albert Haim: In Memory of Philip R. Evans I am sad to announce that Philip R.