Audio Tapes – Bix Beiderbecke: Never The Same Twice
Bix Beiderbecke was born on March 10, 1903. In March 2003, there were, throughout the world, several tributes to Bix – concerts, radio broadcasts, birthday celebrations.
On Sunday, March 9, 2003 – the eve of Beiderbecke’s 100th birthday – at 9:00 pm, WFIU, the radio station of Indiana University, broadcast a one-hour program about Bix properly entitled “Bix Beiderbecke: Never the Same Way Twice.” As described in the WFIU website, the program was “a portrait of an American Jazz Pioneer in sound and story.” The program was produced and narrated by David Brent Johnson and had three guests who provided commentary: Richard M. Sudhalter, jazz writer, musician, and historian; Pat Harbison, Indiana University School of Music faculty member and trumpeter; and Michael McGerr, cultural historian and Indiana University Associate Dean.
(Corrupted file)
I am grateful to David Brent Johnson for kindly sending me a copy of the program and for his permission to upload it.