Articles in Magazines and Newspapers – British Columbia Pamphlet, Concerto in F
British Columbia Pamphlet, Concerto in F Nick Dellow kindly sent scans of every page of the pamphlet published by British Columbia to accompany the 1928 Paul Whiteman recording of Concerto in F. Download the PDF: DOWNLOAD
Articles in Magazines and Newspapers – Red Nichols On Bix In Downbeat
Red Nichols on Bix in Down Beat Here is a complete transcript of an article that appeared in the August 1937 issue of Down Beat. “Musicians Killed Bix Beiderbecke!” “Bix Died Of A Broken Heart, Says Famous Leader of Five Pennies” by Carl Cons Between sets at the College Inn, Chicago, Ill. […]
Articles in Magazines and Newspapers – Bix In The Amherst Student
Bix in the Amherst Student The Monday, March 16, 1931 issue of the Amherst Student, the student newspaper from Amherst College, carried the following article on the front page. SENIOR CLASS DANCE IS WELL ATTENDED BY STUDENTS AND GUESTS Bix Beidebecke [sic] and Dorsey Bros. Furnish Excellent Music for Gala College Affair One of the […]
Articles in Magazines and Newspapers – Articles About Bix in 1927-28 Issues of the Melody Maker
Articles About Bix in 1927-28 Issues of the Melody Maker Beginning in April 1927 and continuing until September 1928, the British magazine “Melody Maker” published one article and several record reviews about Bix Beiderbecke. The First Article The first article was written by the Elizalde brothers in the April 1927 issue. The brothers […]
Articles in Magazines and Newspapers – A List of Articles About Bix
A List of Articles About Bix In his research about Jack Teagarden, Joe Showler jotted down references to articles about Bix that he encountered. Joe kindly sent me the list to upload to the Bix website. I am grateful to Joe Showler for his generosity. Click here to download (.numbers): DOWNLOAD NOW […]
Articles in Magazines and Newspapers – The Wolverine Orchestra In Variety
The Wolverine Orchestra in Variety The Wolverine Orchestra played in the Cinderella Ballroom, 1600 Broadway, New York City from September 12, 1924, to the end of December 1924. On December 26, 192,4 they were replaced by the Original Dixieland Jazz Band. Bix did not last for the entire engagement. He left the Wolverines on October […]
Articles in Magazines and Newspapers – Jazz Information, The Weekly Magazine
Jazz Information, The Weekly Magazine The Vol. I, No. 15 December 22, 1939 issue of the magazine published the following item. HOT RECORD SOCIETY ISSUES ALBUM OF WOLVERINE RECORDS WITH BIX Five rare Beiderbeckes, repressed from Gennett originals, will be released this week by the Hot Record Society in an album titled: “Young Man With […]
Articles in Magazines and Newspapers – Bix in the Dec 9, 1927 Issue of the Cleveland Press
Bix in the Dec 9, 1927 Issue of the Cleveland Press Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra had an engagement in the Allen Theater, Cleveland, Ohio from December 4 to December 11, 1927. The Cleveland Press had an article about Whiteman and his band in the December 9, 1927 issue. A copy of the page in […]
Articles in Magazines and Newspapers – Articles in Jazzit in Celebration of Bix 100
Articles in Jazzit in Celebration of Bix 100 The Italian jazz magazine “Jazzit” is published bimonthly. The March/April 2003 issue (Year V, Number 15) carries two articles in tribute to Bix’s 100th birthday. The articles are preceded by an introduction written by Vincenzo Martorella, the editorial director of the magazine. Davenport Blues: a translation by […]
Articles in Magazines and Newspapers – Mississippi Rag Article
Mississippi Rag Article The June 2003 issue of the Mississippi Rag carries a four-page article “Copying Bix: Cornet Solos From Bix Beiderbecke’s First Three Recording Sessions” by Albert Haim. The article discusses in depth the fact that Bix’s solos in the Wolverines recordings of “Jazz Me Blues” “Copenhagen” and “Tiger Rag” were copied by several […]