Articles in Magazines and Newspapers – Life Magazine Article About Swing
Life Magazine Article About Swing The August 8, 1938 issue of Life has an 11-page article about “swing.” As one might anticipate for an article in Life, there are more photographs than text. The article consists of the following stories. 1. “Swing, the Hottest and Best Kind of Jazz Reaches Its Golden Age” A […]
Articles in Magazines and Newspapers – The All-America Swing Band Selected by Paul Whiteman
The All-America Swing Band Selected by Paul Whiteman September 10, 1938, of Collier’s, includes an article by Paul Whiteman where he discusses his choice of musicians for the “All-America Swing Band.” Whiteman writes: I am going to pick the All-America supercolossal swing band of our time… One more thing before we go into our dance: […]
Articles in Magazines and Newspapers – The Daily Times: Radio Station Tribute To Bix
The Daily Times: Radio Station Tribute to Bix The August 8, 1931 issue of the Davenport newspaper carried the following column. Station WOC Pays Tribute to Memory of Bix Beiderbecke. Stations WOC and WHO paid a brief tribute to Leon Bix Beiderbecke, who died Thursday night in New York City, during the broadcasting of the […]
Articles in Magazines and Newspapers – Davenport Democrat and Leader: A Short Interview of Bix’s Mother
Davenport Democrat and Leader: A Short Interview of Bix’s Mother The April 25, 1928 issue of “The Davenport Democrat and Leader” carried a story about Bix Beiderbecke. It was discovered by Rich Johnson in March 2001. I am grateful to him for his generosity in making a copy and sending it to me. Jazz […]
Articles in Magazines and Newspapers – Joslins Jazz Journal
Joslins Jazz Journal The Journal has published three stories, written by Bill Saunders, about Bix at Lake Forest Academy. The first story was published in the February 1998 issue and dealt with the location of the Academy, the grounds, and the dormitory (East House) where Bix roomed while at the Academy. There was a follow-up […]
Articles in Magazines and Newspapers – The Mississippi Rag
The Mississippi Rag Throughout the years, this excellent jazz magazine has carried stories about Bix, as well as articles related to Bix. Articles about Bix “Bix – Summer of ’25” by Bob Harrington (March 1975); “Revising Bix” by William J. Schafer (March 1991); “Bix’s Letters and More,” a “Solo” guest column by Phil and Linda […]
Articles in Magazines and Newspapers – Smithsonian Magazine
Smithsonian Magazine The July 1997 issue of this fine publication of the Smithsonian Institution contains an article by Fred Turner. Astonishingly, in view of the topics usually covered in this magazine, Turner’s article dealt with Bix. Entitled “Bix, The Story of a young man and his horn”, the article is written from a highly personal […]
Articles in Magazines and Newspapers – Classic Wax
Classic Wax The August 1981 issue has an article by Stephen M. Stroff entitled “Bix Beiderbecke: A 50th Anniversary Evaluation Of A Legend”. The cover has a photograph of Bix and of the sheet music of “In A Mist”. The account of Bix’s life is concise and highly readable. There are a number of photographs […]
Articles in Magazines and Newspapers – Metronome
Metronome The November 1938 issue features a “Tribute to a Great Musician” with the famous August 30, 1921 photograph of Bix on the cover. The collection of articles, written mostly by people who knew and played with Bix, is entitled “Bixology”. There are articles by Wayne Rohlf, Hoagy Carmichael, Frank Trumbauer, and Hugues Panassie.
Articles in Magazines and Newspapers
Articles in Magazines and Newspapers Metronome; Classic Wax; Smithsonian; The Mississippi Rag; Joslins Jazz Journal; Davenport Democrat and Leader: A Short Interview of Bix’s Mother; Daily Times: Radio Station Tribute to Bix; The All-America Swing Band Selected by Paul Whiteman; Life Magazine Article About Swing; Articles in celebration of Bix’s 100th birthday in the magazine […]